25. Guindre-Parker, S., A. Acosta, C. Bourque, A. Cook, J. Corimanya, R. Kaplan, D.A.V. Kilgour, C.R. Linkous, M. Ross, T. Smith, C. Titus. 2025. No difference in reproductive investment or success across urban and rural breeding pairs in an urban-adapted songbird. Ornithology. In Press.
24. Faddis, D.H., Z. Massenburg, A. Bailey, M. Ross, S. Guindre-Parker, T.W. Pierson. 2024. Aspects of sexual isolation between syntopic two-lined salamanders: mate location, courtship success, and sex hormones. Herpetologica. 80: 73-82.
23. Linkous, C.R., D.A.V. Kilgour, S. Guindre-Parker. 2024. Does cholesterol differ in urban and rural starlings across different developmental stages? Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 136: 166-178.
22. Ross, M., J. Corimanya, R. Kaplan, D.A.V. Kilgour, C.R. Linkous, S. Guindre-Parker. 2024. Elevated lead (Pb) in European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) feathers is not correlated to physiology or behavior. Science of the Total Environment. 912: 168932.
21. Kilgour, D.A.V., C.R. Linkous, T.W. Pierson & S. Guindre-Parker. 2022. Sex ratios in the city: secondary offspring sex ratios, parental corticosterone, and parental body condition in an urban-adapted bird. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution. 10: 894583.
20. Guindre-Parker, S., D.A.V. Kilgour, and C.R. Linkous. 2022. The development of behavioral and endocrine coping styles in nestlings from urban and rural sites. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 327: 114091.
19. Little J., D.R. Rubenstein & S. Guindre-Parker. 2022. Plasticity in social behaviour varies with reproductive status in an avian cooperative breeder. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 289: 20220355.
18. Guindre-Parker, S., J. Tung, and A. Strauss. 2022. Chapter 18: Emerging frontiers in animal behavior and parasitism: integration across scales. In Animal Behavior and Parasitism. Editors: Ezenwa, Altizer & Hall. Oxford University Press.
17. Guindre-Parker, S., and D.R. Rubenstein. 2021. Long-term measures of climate unpredictability shape the avian endocrine stress axis. The American Naturalist.183: 394-405.
16. Guindre-Parker, S.2020. Individual variation in glucocorticoid plasticity: considerations and future directions. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 60: 79-88.
15. Guindre-Parker, S., and D.R. Rubenstein. 2020. Survival benefits of group living in a fluctuating environment. The American Naturalist. 195: 1027-1036
14. Guindre-Parker, S., McAdam A.G., van Kesteren F., Palme R., Boonstra R., Boutin S., Lane J.E., and B. Dantzer. 2019. Individual variation in phenotypic plasticity of the stress axis. Biology Letters. 15: 20190260
13. Guindre-Parker, S., and D.R. Rubenstein. 2018. No short-term physiological costs of offspring care in a cooperatively breeding bird. Journal of Experimental Biology. 221: jeb186569
12. Guindre-Parker, S. 2018. The evolutionary endocrinology of circulating glucocorticoids in free-living vertebrates: recent advances and future directions across scales of study. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 58: 814-825
11. Guindre-Parker, S., and D.R. Rubenstein. 2018. The oxidative costs of parental care in cooperative and pair-breeding African starlings. Oecologia. 188: 53-63
10. Guindre-Parker, S., and D.R. Rubenstein. 2018. Multiple fitness benefits of alloparental care in a fluctuating environment. Royal Society Open Science. 5: 172406 (Cover Article)
9. Pikus, A.E., Guindre-Parker, S., and D.R. Rubenstein. 2018. Testosterone, social status and parental care in a cooperatively breeding bird. Hormones and Behavior. 97: 85-93
8. Baldo, S., Mennill, D.J., Guindre-Parker, S., Gilchrist, H.G., and O.P. Love. 2015. The oxidative cost of acoustic signals: examining steroid versus aerobic-activity hypotheses in a wild bird. Ethology. 121: 1081-1090
7. Baldo, S., Mennill, D.J., Guindre-Parker, S., Gilchrist, H.G., and O.P. Love. 2014. Snow Buntings sing individually distinctive songs and show inter-annual variation in song structure. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 126: 333-338
6. Guindre-Parker, S., and O.P. Love. 2014. Revisiting the condition-dependence of melanin-based plumage. Journal of Avian Biology. 45: 29-33
5. Guindre-Parker, S., Baldo, S., Gilchrist, H.G., Macdonald, C.A., Harris, C.M. and O.P. Love. 2013. The oxidative costs of territory quality and offspring provisioning. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 26: 2558-2565 (Cover Article)
4. Guindre-Parker, S., Gilchrist, H.G., Baldo, S. and O.P. Love. 2013. Alula size signals male condition and predicts reproductive performance in an Arctic-breeding passerine. Journal of Avian Biology 44: 209-215 (Editor’s Choice)
3. Guindre-Parker, S., Gilchrist, H.G., Baldo, S., Doucet, S.M. and O.P. Love. 2013. Multiple achromatic plumage ornaments signal to multiple receivers. Behavioural Ecology 24: 672-682
2. Bourgeon, S., Guindre-Parker, S., and T.D. Williams. 2011. Effects of sibling competition on growth, oxidative stress and humoral immunity: a two-year brood size manipulation. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 84: 429-437
1. Elle, E., Gillespie, S., Guindre-Parker, S., and A. Parachnowitsch. 2010. Variation in the timing of autonomous selfing among populations that differ in flower size, time to reproduction maturity and climate. American Journal of Botany 97: 1894-1902